# tymly-pg-plugin


Replace Tymly's out-the-box memory storage with PostgreSQL

# State Resources

Name Description
auditTrail No description! 😦
exportingCsvDeltaFile Outputs change-only-update CSV files (or “delta” files) that contain all the necessary actions required to re-synchronize rows in a cloned table - just a thin wrapper over pg-delta-file (opens new window)
getCurrentValueFromSequence Gets the current value from the specified sequence, returning it as the value of the value property
getNextValueFromSequence Gets the next value from the specified sequence, returning it as the value of the value property
importingCsvFiles Takes a specifically-named directory structure of CSV files and conjures bulk insert, update and delete statements and applies them to a PostgreSQL database - just a thin wrapper over Supercopy (opens new window)
resetSequence Resets the specified sequence
synchronizingTable Takes the contents of one PostgreSQL table, applies a transformation function to each row and ensures a target table is kept in sync - just a thin wrapper over pg-telepods (opens new window)

# Blueprint directories

Directory Description
/models One JSON file per model (contents to be a JSON schema for defining the model's data structure)

# Services

Name Description
audit PG Audit Service
storage Replaces the default in-memory storage solution with a Postgresql-backed alternative
Last Updated: 9/10/2023, 11:30:14 AM