# tymly-cloudstorage-plugin


Defines the cloudstorage service interface and provides state-resources around the service. Specific cloudstorage implementations provided by additional Tymly plugins.

# State Resources

Name Description
copyFileToLocalFolder Copies a remote file into a folder on the local file system
copyFileToRemoteFolder Copies a local file into a folder in remote storage
deletingCloudStorageFile Deletes a cloud storage file
ensureCloudStorageFolder Creates the last folder in the specified path (if it already exists, it does nothing). Be aware that if one of the folders prior to the last folder doesn't exist, the state resource will throw an exception. So for example, if you pass in the path 'Shared Documents/1234567890/Audit/Photos', if the folder 'Shared Documents/1234567890/Audit' doesn't exist, then the state resource will throw an exception.
getCloudStorageContents Returns the contents of a cloud storage folder

# Services

Name Description
cloudstorage Defines the cloudstorage service interface and provides state-resources around the service. Specific cloudstorage implementations provided by additional Tymly plugins.
Last Updated: 9/10/2023, 11:30:14 AM